Title: A human resource strategy for the Eastern Region.
Authors: Eastern Regional Health Authority (ERHA); Alpha Consulting
Description: A new five to seven year strategy for the Health Services in the Republic of Ireland is due for
publication in the Autumn of 2001. Whatever the objectives of this strategy they will not become
a reality unless the health service has the sufficient number of people, with the right skills and
competencies, in the appropriate structures to deliver services of the highest quality.
The Eastern Regional Health Authority, which was established on March 1, 2000, is the statutory
body with responsibility for health and personal social services for the circa 1.5 million people who
live in Dublin, Kildare and Wicklow. The ERHA's responsibilities include the strategic planning of
services, commissioning of services and funding services through service agreements with the
three Area Health Boards, the Voluntary hospitals and other Voluntary Agencies in the region.
The ERHA is also charged with monitoring and evaluating the services provided by these agencies.