Title: Human resource strategy to address the shortage of nurses in the Eastern Regional Health Authority (ERHA)
Authors: Eastern Regional Health Authority (ERHA); Public Health Nursing and Mental Health Services Directors
Description: The Directors of Nursing (DONs) of the Eastern Regional Health Authority (ERHA) have collaborated
to produce this document. It attempts to portray the situation of nursing shortages in the ERHA It
outlines the reasons for current staffing difficulties. It looks at the effects of nursing vacancies in the ERHA
and it describes measures taken to alleviate the current situation. The document explores issues
surrounding the recruitment, retention and development of nursing staff in the ERHA and concludes with.
an extensive list of recommendations. Most importantly this document demonstrates the commitment
of the DONs to work together to address this serious problem and to seek solutions. This work marks
the beginning of a process of interdisciplinary collaboration between the nursing specialties. Through an
ongoing process of networking the DONs will strive to achieve the underlying principles of equity, quality
of service and accountability as outlined in the health strategy document "Shaping a Healthier Future".